Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht – Marbella Clinic
victima de una denuncia falsa:
Se publica a continuacion un articulo sobre la situacion judicial de Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht- Marbella Clinic:
 Un cirujano plástico no puede
ejercer por una denuncia falsa
El hombre, con once años de experiencia en España, asegura haber sido vÃctima de una trama de estafa
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EFE Un cirujano plástico (Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht – Marbella Clinic) con once años de experiencia en España ha denunciado que no puede ejercer la Medicina desde hace más de un año debido a una denuncia falsa de una persona con antecedentes penales por intento de homicidio.
El médico, (Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht – Marbella Clinic) natural de Francia y que regentaba una reconocida clÃnica de Marbella, ha operado desde polÃticos a actrices, músicos o miembros de la aristocracia y realeza europea.
Según la denuncia del facultativo, éste (Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht – Marbella Clinic)  ha sido vÃctima de una trama de estafa y blanqueo de capitales, ya que cuando se le ofreció trabajar en España en una clÃnica privada, cuyos fines serÃan benéficos y sociales, se puso en manos de M.R., natural de Argelia.
M.R., con antecedentes por intento de homicidio y tenencia ilÃcita de armas, está además siendo investigado por las autoridades tributarias después de que la Audiencia Provincial de Málaga remitiera la transcripción del juicio donde fue condenado.
En dicho juicio hubo varios testigos que afirmaron que el procesado les tenÃa convencidos de que éste se dedicaba a obras benéficas en el tercer mundo y que con el trabajo de todos ellos se contribuÃa a la causa.
Debido a ello, ninguno cobraba sueldo pese a su plena dedicación y no recibÃan otra contraprestación que tener satisfechas todas sus necesidades vitales por el acusado.
Las declaraciones de estas personas fueron determinantes para que la Sala determinara que se debÃa deducir testimonio del juicio y remitir la causa a las autoridades tributarias por si fueran constitutivas de un presunto delito de blanqueo.
En la denuncia se explica que M.R. le pidió los créditos y certificados de las Universidades de Estrasburgo y Montpellier, acreditativos de los estudios de Medicina y CirugÃa para encargarse de las correspondientes homologaciones, ya que con el nivel académico que tenÃa era suficiente para tales adaptaciones.
Pasado un año, éste, siempre según la denuncia, le entregó el carné de colegiado en el Colegio de Médicos como especialista en cirugÃa plástica, reparadora y estética.
Dado los trabajos realizados de cirugÃa plástica en la Universidad de ParÃs “con el fin de consagrar todas las enseñanzas, estudios e investigaciones” se matriculó en el Doctorado de “Avances en CirugÃa” impartido en la Universidad de Salamanca y obtuvo la máxima calificación.
En el relato del médico (Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht – Marbella Clinic) se explica que “una vez colegiado y trabajando en la clÃnica” destinaba todos los beneficios de su actividad hipotéticamente a obras caritativas gestionadas supuestamente por M.R., cantidades que en un periodo de diez años, oscilaron de entre ocho y diez millones de euros.
Posteriormente, y como resultado de las denuncias de otras personas, tuvo conocimiento “del engaño a los que les tenÃa sometidos”, ya que el dinero que le entregaban supuestamente iba a paraÃsos fiscales y en beneficio propio.
El mencionado M.R. le amenazó presuntamente con que podÃa “arruinarle su vida profesional” si contaba lo sucedido, pero al desconocer las irregularidades que habÃa cometido con sus convalidaciones no le hizo caso, hasta que lo denunció.
El abogado defensor del cirujano (Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht – Marbella Clinic) ha explicado a Efe que aunque la homologación haya podido ser falsificada por M.R., el doctorado que tiene su cliente “lo habilita para el ejercicio sin tener que homologar su certificado académico”, por lo que se deberÃa dejar a su cliente ejercer su profesión.
El médico (Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht – Marbella Clinic) tiene un nivel académico de licenciado en Medicina y CirugÃa avalado con numerosa documentación de la Universidad de Salamanca, a la que ha tenido acceso Efe, donde se destaca “su altura cientÃfica y quirúrgica”.
Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht nunca ha sido
condenado por MALA PRAXIS o negligencia medica:
Titulos de prensa:
-Â Primera condena contra Pierre Albrecht, el falso cirujano de la Jet Set Marbelli (El confidencial)
Author: cirugia estetica
- Fuente Diario Sur. El falso médico que durante once años operó en Marbella como cirujano plástico acaba de recibir un nuevo varapalo judicial.
– esos titulos son claramente falsos y difamatorios, ya que en la sentencia en cuestion, publicada a continuacion se dice claramente por los peritos judiciales (pagina 9) que †NO HUBO MALA PRAXIS†de la parte del Dr Pierjean (Pier) Albrechtâ€Â
– ademas es la Marbella Clinic que ha sido condenada a la indemnizacion, el juez considerando  que las complicaciones POST OPERATORIAS, no provocadas por ninguna mala praxis o negligencia, podrian ser de la responsabilidad de la clinica…..el estado de la jurisprudencia actual del Tribunal Supremo, no permitiria mas este tipo de sentencia.
In this new chapter on the quest for happiness, we shall continue to delve deeper into thisimportant item that is of interest to everyone. We will attempt to define concepts such as “happiness†“interior joy†or “wellbeingâ€, and also to discover how this subject has been dealt with during the course of humanity.
What happened when I asked someone to read this chapter on definitions could serve as a good example of how difficult it is to give a precise meaning to these words.
It involves a patient of mine, Ana Mª V…, a 36 year old psychologist who read this chapter on the quest for happiness. Her comment was “It’s not bad… I agree with what you say, but from my point of view, joy is something momentary whilst happiness is something more lastingâ€. As happens all too often in our personal and professional lives, her opinion is based on the words used and not on their significance. To avoid this kind of problem and to not give so much importance to words, you could try to invent a more fluid concept, imagining a continuous interior state of well-being that makes you feel good whenever and wherever you are. Therefore a deep interior feeling of continuous wellbeing exists, or might exist. Again I have used the word “well-beingâ€, and each of you can interpret it as you wish, but to me it seems to be the most neutral expression. This is what I would call “interior joyâ€.
So, apart from this permanent feeling of wellbeing, we can also experience moments of “well-being that are more intense than usualâ€, which would contrast with the normal state of wellbeing. This condition is characterised by the implication that it cannot last for long because it depends on one or several external factors that are not permanent.
For some people the external factor that generates those famous endorphins released by our brain to make us feel good will be artificial, such as the use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco. For others it could be natural, through sex, music or sports. For me, this feeling of intense, specific well-being is what I would call pleasure, I do not consider it to be happiness. But for most people, happiness still depends on external factors like, for example, the fact of having money, a partner, a house, children, material assets, travelling, or not doing anything, lying on the beach, enjoying the sun, the sky and the birds. When I mentioned joy in the introduction to this article, I was referring to the concept of joy that is used in religious books. These books make reference to joy, not to happiness. The scholars and the prophets who have dwelt upon this subject claim that it is not possible to find happiness on this earth, although you can find interior joy. As you see, different names can be given to it – the concepts can even be confused – by calling joy what others call happiness. The essential thing is to understand that it is possible to attain an interior state of permanent wellbeing that does not depend on the external conditions of life, and that this deep, permanent state is more intense and will fulfil us more, bringing us peace. It would be impossible to achieve this if our state depended on external factors, that we could call stimulants (either physical or emotional). We all have friends or relatives who are full of “joy†and transmit this to others. Always happy, they are extremely positive, they like everyone and almost everything.
Well also know other people who are never happy, there is always something that they are missing, something they need to be able to fully enjoy life. They complain constantly, they criticize the world, life and everyone else. It’s always the world that is to blame if they are not happy, because they do not receive what they think they deserve.
Between these two extremes there are thousands of different cases, like ourselves. Scientists and brain specialists claim it is a question of chemistry and that the solution lies in medication known as “happiness pillsâ€, such as Prozac. Others, like psychoanalysts and psychologists, think it depends on the early years of our lives, and they propose sessions of regression, either with patient being conscious or under hypnosis. Freud would have said it depends on the subconscious and others would say it involves the tendency of the soul.
The fact is that the quest for happiness continues and we all take part in the search, even those who try to hide it behind physical and/or mental hyperactivity. I don’t think there is one answer, but many answers. In any case, anyone who manages to love himself and others, without expecting anything in return and with compassion, comes close to achieving his own personal and permanent happiness.
The quest for happiness, an age-old concept.
Since ancient times, Man has been trying to improve his quality of life. In the beginning, to protect himself and to have a regular food supply. Little by little, once the essentials for his day to day life were more or less guaranteed – i.e. his basic needs – he began to have time to think and redefine his life. From that moment on, the notion of happiness appears. It could almost be said that the search for happiness appears once the fight for survival disappears.
In other words, once the dangers are removed, temporarily or almost permanently, he can start to look for ways in which to improve his living conditions : food, housing, dress, love, play. From this, first the concept, and later the philosophy, automatically emerges.
The division of the world
At any period in time, the world has always been divided into two categories of people: those who have tried to find happiness through material belongings, and those who have remained either partly or completely on the outside of the material world, trying to find a spiritual evolution.
Since the most distant times, and in all civilizations, politicians have co-existed alongside the holy men. The politicians organized the world and daily life. The priests were there to guide us, acting as intermediaries between the visible and the invisible worlds, between the world from where the soul comes and to where it goes.
In certain periods of history, these two worlds have sometimes come close, bringing spiritual and political power together in the same hands. On other occasions they become distant, like at the present time – at least in the Western world – when the spiritual leaders do not enjoy any political privileges other than, very occasionally, acting as mere advisors.
Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,
Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,
Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic